Saving for a House? Leo’s Guide to Building Your Nest Egg and Securing Your Place in the Property Market


Welcome to the land down under, where the sun shines bright, the beaches are endless, and the dream of owning a house is a common one. But let’s face it, saving for a house in Australia can feel like climbing Mount Kosciuszko. But fear not because, with a little bit of planning and determination, you too can climb the property ladder and make your dream of homeownership a reality. Join us as we explore the tips, tricks and strategies to help you save up for a house in Australia faster than a kangaroo hopping across the outback. So grab a meat pie and a cold beer, and let’s get started on the path to homeownership.

When it comes to buying a home, there’s often no getting around the fact that you will need a substantial chunk of cash. In today’s housing market, that money needs to be in the five-digit range—sometimes even six figures. That’s why many first-time home buyers are forced to save for years before they can finally make their dream of homeownership a reality.

If you’re planning to build your nest egg and buy a house in the future, this guide will help you understand everything you need to know about saving for your home. Read on to find out how much money you should ideally have saved when buying a home, how to reduce your debt, and how to boost your income. You’ll also discover alternatives to saving that might help give you a leg up in the property market.

Set a goal

Setting a goal can be crucial if you’re planning to buy a house. Start by creating a budget and tracking your expenses. This will help you identify areas where you can make cost savings, such as shopping for cheaper groceries, investing in financial products with higher interest rates, and turning off unnecessary items in your home.

For starters, to buy a home in Australia without paying the Lenders Mortgage Insurance or LMI, you would be required to save up at least 20% of the property that you are planning to purchase. This is known as the 20% deposit or down payment. An example, an average house in Canning Vale, where we are situated, most houses cost around $500,000 at the very least; you would be required to save up at least $100,000.

So set your first goal to save up your first $100,000 over the next x years, and follow your budget. Although there are lenders out there who require less than a 20% deposit, their requirements vary; you can speak to us to find out more about those here.

Create a budget

If you’re planning to buy a house, it’s essential to create a budget and stick to it. Start by determining your financial goals, such as buying a house or investing for retirement. Once you have a clear idea of your goals, map out a timeline for reaching them and identify the money you plan to save each month.

Next, start tracking your income and expenses to determine how much savings you have available each month. Next, set up an automatic transfer from your checking account to your savings account each month. You can also create a budget and track your spending daily. Finally, monitor the market and research different investment opportunities to maximize returns on your savings. By creating a budget, following it systematically and analyzing investing options, you can save for a house without compromising your financial goals.

Reduce your debt

If you’re looking to save for a house, there are several steps you can take to build up your savings and secure a place in the property market. One crucial step is to make a budget and stick to it. This will help you plan your finances and track your spending, which will encourage financial discipline and help you reach your savings goals more quickly. High-interest debt can make it harder to save for a house, so focus on paying off any credit card or personal loan debt as quickly as possible.

Another important factor is debt consolidation. By consolidating debts into one loan with lower interest rates and easier repayment terms, you can save money on interest expenses and make your savings goals more manageable. You can also consider cutting unnecessary expenses and investing the money saved in your nest egg. This will help increase the amount of money in your bank account over time and make saving for a house feel more attainable. Finally, consider alternative sources of income, such as freelancing or side hustles, as they can supplement your income and boost savings even further.

Boost your income

Look for ways to increase your income, such as taking on a part-time job or starting a side hustle. Looking for a higher-paying role in your industry is also a sure way to increase your income.

Make lifestyle decisions that reduce expenses and free up funds for savings. Take advantage of tax deductions and other incentives to maximize savings. Speak to your accountant to find out the best way to effectively manage your tax deductions.

Use the power of compound interest

As interest rates are rising worldwide due to the stimulus given to keep countries afloat during the COVID-19 pandemic, it also comes with the benefit that interest rates on savings accounts are also the highest it has ever been. giving you the option to save into savings accounts yielding 3 to 4 % annually. This way, you can take advantage of compound interest and earn more money over time.

You can also consider additional forms of saving, such as mutual funds or stocks and shares; however, speak to a financial advisor for the best advice before you pursue this, as there are risks. In this way, you can save money and earn returns on that money over time. The power of compound interest gives you an extra push to save money, and investing intelligently in financial instruments can also help increase your savings quickly.

Be patient

Buying a house is a significant financial decision, and you’d want to start saving as early as possible. However, saving for a house should be done gradually and with a realistic mindset. Saving for a house takes time, but if you stick to your plan and make saving a priority, you’ll be in a much better position to buy a house in the future.


A house is a good investment if you use it as your primary residence or a rental property. Besides, it provides you with a comfortable living space and a stable financial position.

However, saving enough for a house takes time and dedicated effort. First, you need to identify your long-term financial goals and create a budget that reflects your monthly income and expenses. Once you’ve identified the amount you’d like to save, reduce costs as much as possible so that you have extra money for savings.

Once you’ve set your goals and created a budget, it’s time to research the property market. This will help you analyze your finances and choose the best financing option based on your budget and financial goals. You can also monitor your progress and adjust the plan to reach your goal.

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