As the end of 2021 draws to a close, we reflect, are hopeful, and excited for the year ahead.
Reflecting on 2021, we have been fortunate in Western Australia, that we have not been impacted by COVID-19, businesses, in general, has been thriving. We have been very grateful as we have consistently met our sales targets and have achieved record sales for our company.
This can only be achieved with hard work from the team at AAFS and, we want to acknowledge the hard-working bankers, BDM and referral partners who tirelessly help us and guide us. To our clients, we thank you for trusting us with your financial affairs.
We welcome 2022 with expectations of growth and a readiness to face our biggest challenges yet. 2020 to 2021 not only we have survived COVID-19, but we have also thrived during this period and grown in our numbers.
in 2022, We would like to challenge ourselves as a team on how to be innovative and how to add more value in the way we service our clients, and to help them find a solution. We are also investing in how to build a diverse service to our customers for collaborative partnerships.
Innovation in any business is always necessary as technological advancements and societal practices have changed the way businesses operate. In today’s world, we need to continue to learn and invest in ourselves and our businesses to see growth.
If we can do something different in 2022, I would encourage us to train our mindset to aim high, build our confidence and not cut ourselves short.
We wish you all the best in 2022, and we are looking forward to helping you with your financial needs.
From Leo and the rest of the AAFS team.